Blessed is that Good Servant (Sunday of All Faithful Departed)


Today is the remembrance of all the Faithful Departed which means that next week we will begin our Great Fast. With regards to our fasting, if you hadn’t noticed, in every season there is a fast; and for many of us, we plan to “start-up” our spiritual journey during the fasts. In the preceding days or weeks before the fasts, we typically have the mindset of “I will start my spiritual journey off strong… when the fast begins.” May it never be the case that someone gives the argument saying that “I am young and wish to live life as I see fit.” For in this parable, Jesus explicitly tells us what is asked of us, which is to be prepared for His Second Coming at all times and warns us of how we should never act, which is to live as if tomorrow is a certainty. 

I believe that this pandemic was a good wake up call for us to realize that we must focus on today. We have been surrounded by death on all sides that we have, at times, thought of our mortality. As long as the thoughts are healthy and not self-destructive, then it is a good thing. With this mindset and motivation, we can do as God commands us and work on our salvation immediately. The mindset of dealing with what is before you is important as Christ states in St. Matthew’s account, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” This does not mean to stop investing in your 401Ks or your retirement funds or even in making plans for the future, but rather stopping the thought process of “I will stop living in sin tomorrow, or next week, or when the fast begins, or when I am nice and old and have nothing else to do.” Christ calls every single one of us to be children of God today.

 From the Desert Fathers, it is said that Abba Poemen was asked for whom this saying is suitable, 'Do not be anxious about tomorrow.' (Matt. 6.34) The old man said, 'It is said for the man who is tempted and has not much strength, so that he should not be worried, saying to himself, "How long must I suffer this temptation?" He should rather say every day to himself, "Today."' Tie this saying with another from Abba Apollo. If someone came to find Abba Apollo about doing a piece of work, Abba Apollo would set out joyfully, saying, “I am going to work with Christ today, for the salvation of my soul, for that is the reward he gives.” What these Fathers are telling us is that we must continue to struggle against sin today and never leave off repentance for another day. 

We are not to leave off our spiritual journey for tomorrow, but rather begin our walk-in Faith today. So with regards to the Great Fast which is approaching, this means that we should begin preparing the way for this Great Fast today. We are to build up a strong foundation of prayer and spiritual meditation so that when the fast arrives, we are not battered by it but rather strengthened. Do not begin the fast with great enthusiasm only to stop fasting the following week. But rather gradually build up a spiritual disciple of restricting mediums that causes you to sin and expand your personal prayer life. St. Luke’s will be offering online evening prayers, but do not let that be the extent of your prayer life. Join those meetings, but also spend time alone in prayer and build up a personal relationship with God so that your fasting will provide fruits of your labor rather than just exhaustion from the toil of the work. 

The calling set before us is to be vigilant and to have Christian sobriety. This means that you are aware that at any moment our Lord will come to pass judgment on the world. I know that thinking about how finite life is is a fearful thought and an exhausting one at that since we are to live such a vigilant lifestyle. Yet, at any moment, we are to be ready to meet our Lord and hopefully be found worthy of a joyful face before the dread judgment seat. For those of us who hear this and are afraid, myself included, let us listen to the first thing that Christ says in this Gospel portion. “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom…” My dear brothers and sisters, entrance into that kingdom is available for every single one of us, and we must get on to the path that leads us to that kingdom. But most importantly, we must begin that journey towards the Kingdom today.