Christ is Risen, Indeed He is Risen (Matthew 28: 1-20)


Christ is risen. This phrase is one of the most common things you will hear people say today. Even little children will be able to respond when anyone states, Christ is risen. Today marks the greatest event in history. Christ is risen. In our songs today, we sing “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by His death...” and the author of the piece is so filled with joy that he had to include, “rejoice oh beloved Church, for your master has risen.” Today is the feast of all feasts; there is nothing more significant to exclaim except that Christ is risen. 

In this fast, we had joined Christ in the desert. We battled against the adversary, and we share in Christ’s victory over temptation. In this fast, we went through Christ's Passion, through His Crucifixion, and His burial. Not as spectators of a play, but as active participants. Throughout Holy Week, we were all called to join in with Christ in His Passion so that His Crucifixion is our crucifixion, His Death and burial is our death and burial. And more importantly, His Resurrection is our resurrection. We should never see our journey outside of the light of His Resurrection. For as St. Paul writes, “And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” But we know different. We know the greatest miracle to occur. For Christ is risen.

This short statement in itself is profound, for we are allowed to participate in that glory. We who have been baptized in the Church, the Body of Christ, share a portion of that glorious mystery. Because we now have that ability to become by Grace what God is by nature. This is how we fulfill the Commandment of Christ in the Gospel account according to St. Matthew when Christ states, “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” If it were as simple as setting your mind to these things, why would we even need Christ? It is a simple thing to state that I will crucify my old way of life and take up a life in Christ. But it is another thing entirely to live a life according to that calling. However, we have the opportunity to remove our sins, to bury the old man that held onto our garments of corruption. That opportunity has arisen for Christ has risen.

He has given the Church His very own Body and Blood so that He may dwell within us and that we may become members of His Body, the Church. It is because of all that Christ has done for us that we can celebrate a victory over sin. Because our victory over sin and temptation is only done through the Grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When we allow Christ to dwell fully within our hearts, then the words of St. Paul rings true when he writes, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” His victory over sin and death is our victory over sin and death, the path that He made towards Salvation is our way towards Salvation, and His life is our life because Christ is risen.

Even though we are still under certain restrictions, my dear brothers and sisters cannot celebrate as we usually would. We cannot give each other hugs, we cannot stand too close to one another, but we can all do one thing to celebrate this joyous event. Though COVID has taken away a significant number of items from us, it has no power over our ability to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. Therefore, when you see one another after Holy Qurbana, greet each other with the beautiful words Christ is risen.