Created Above the Angels (Hebrews 1: 1-14)


It is said that in time-eternity, the angels were created by God. They were magnificent and beautiful creatures; yet, they were not created in the image and likeness of God, like that of man and woman. (Genesis 2) Angels were created to minister to God. They were also created to minister to humans, as we see in their appearance in the Bible to various individuals to deliver a message from God.

Though man/woman fell from his place of honor through his/her transgression at the beginning of human time, the image and likeness of God that was in them was not removed. God was love; and in His endless love for humankind, he wanted to send His son into the world to become a man, for their redemption and salvation. It is said that the angels were in awe of humans, who in appearance and ability seemed lower to the angels, but because God became man, man ascended to the level of God, exceeding the brilliance and the beauty of angels. It is even said that this is the reason why Lucifer fell from his brilliance and beauty. (Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 14)

Today the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Hebrews, quoting the Scriptures, says, “For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? …” Let all the angels of God worship Him.” Here, St. Paul makes the distinction between God the Son and the angels. Further, he demonstrates that mankind is placed higher than the angels because God became man. We even say in the Orthodox Church that the angels look at the Priest in wonder because he holds the body and blood of Christ in his hand and such a thing even the angels do not have the authority or permission to do.

So then, we as men and women are created beautiful and magnificent, greater than the angels; but do we live like that? We don’t! We live like we are lower than humans. Here are a few examples:

We have more…but we are more miserable: We are living in a time of technological and medical advancement. History has never witnessed such a surge this quickly in medical treatment, communication, technology, travel, etc. People are living longer. We can enjoy more things in life. Yet, we are more miserable than ever. More anxiety, worry. Though the outside looks good, the inside is in pain and hurting. This in my opinion is not advancement but regression. It is going to take us as a human being to look within ourselves and see that spirituality is more important than such advancements. And also, that Christ offers the answers to the problems in humanity. Look to Christ!

Eating right. Fasting: Many of the issues that we face in life deal with our eating habits. Of course, some things are genetic. But even then, we can control our mental and physical condition if we control our diet. One of the main ways to control our diet is by observing the fasts of the Orthodox Church. I have often found that when we fast, we become like God had intended us to be—healthier and yes even more beautiful. Limit new and social media: I am convinced at many of our anxieties and worries that we face, which eventually will manifest into serious mental or physical problems later on in life, are caused by our intake of unnecessary news and over-involvement in social media. It makes us feel like we are accomplishing something great, when in fact we are getting nowhere personally and impacting our community minimally.

Kind words: In a time when everyone is focused on being verbally aggressive, we as Christians should take the approach to be kind and encouraging. I am not saying that we shouldn’t be bold or speak our mind, but rather, to do it in a way that brings people together. Kind words make us a human more beautiful.

Be more courageous: We as Christians need to get involved in our community and be courageous enough to help others who need it. Talk is fine but we need to be more courageous and go to the communities that need help, and or, help others by being for them in their time of need.