Do 1 Thing

Gospel Message & Recording

In the Gospel reading today we hear that Christ sends out his disciples two by two to cast out demons, heal the sick and preach the Good News. (Mark 6: 7-13) Here, we are intrigued that the disciples are given the ability to cast out demons, heal the sick and preach the Gospel, primarily because these “abilities” or rather “giftings” was something they never had before; and now Christ freely gave such “giftings” so that His Mission here on earth might be accomplished.  In some way or the other, we want these “giftings” too! Because as humans we want the miraculous. But we should understand that the disciples (at that time and place) were called to a specific ministry, and as such, needed those “giftings” in order to fulfill the plan of God. Even though we might not have the gift of healing, preaching or casting out demons, Christ has sent all of the members of St. Luke “out,” not necessarily “two-by-two,” but maybe “by family” or “by individual,” to do a particular type of ministry, here at this time and place. If we come to that truth—that realization—then we will make our Christian experience meaningful.

To reflect on this idea, I would like for us to think about “One Thing” in which our families can contribute to the growth of St. Luke.

One Thing:

First and foremost, let me say that St. Luke's is a community of Orthodox believers that strive to love and care for each other as much as possible. A few weeks ago we attended the 2018 Family & Youth Conference. Many people came up to the St. Luke’s members and said how they admired their hard work and dedication to the Indian Orthodox Church. Indeed, God has given us a position of influence and prominence within the Diocese, and I am sure within the Universal Church.

That said, (as we continue to grow as a parish) each family should think about how they are contributing to the ministries and work of the parish. Here, I do not mean anything in regard to our monetary giving, rather, the giving of our talents, gifts, and time. Each family and person should pick at least "One Thing" and attempt to "help" St. Luke, either it be at the Fellowships, Outreach Programs, Sunday School, Various Ministries, Altar Service, Sunday Set Up or Clean Up, etc. Our mental and physical labor is vital to the growth of St. Luke. Attendance and monetary giving is important but cannot be the only forms of contribution.

I ask that each family and person evaluate their contribution (talents, spiritual gifting, and time) to St. Luke and make the necessary changes to get involved. I am looking forward to every family and person being involved in some way or the other in the coming months!