Does Your Heart Shine With Love? (Luke 11: 33-41)


We say that we are Christians, and some of us even do good deeds regularly. But what is the source of these good deeds? In this Gospel portion, we see a common sight, Christ is chewing out the Pharisees because they act according to the rule of law. In this instance, Christ states in allegory that the Pharisees keep the outside of their cups clean while the inside remains dirty. The Pharisees only do what is asked of them out of duty. Some of us may be asking ourselves, “There are so many rules and restrictions as an Orthodox Christian, now you are saying that even if I follow all of these commandments, I may still be lacking?” What could be missing which is so important? 

That one commandment that the Pharisees missed is found in today's Old Testament reading, specifically Joshua 22:5. Notice the order of the commandments, “But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” The Commandment of the Lord is that we first love Him then follow His Commandments. This is the difference between the Pharisees and those who followed Christ. This is the difference between being merely an external Christian vs. being a true son or daughter of God, the very Temple in which God dwells as we say in Thursday morning prayer “... He fills earth and heaven, which are too small for Him. But the hearts of the righteous are large enough...” 

The greatest of the Commandments from God is to love and all other Commandments are based around that love. But, how are we to act according to this love? To answer the question of how I must ask the parents this. Why do you feed your children? Is it because they become annoyed when they are hungry? Will you be afraid of what society will think of you if you don’t? Is it due to some sort of unwritten law or rule that you are obligated to follow? Or does your very heart weep at the sight of your child suffering, compelling you into action out of love?

My dear brothers and sisters, we all know what love is; but the question is, do you act as a Christian out of love? Has your heart compelled you, after having seen those around you that are suffering, to help in any way possible? Would you even want to be compelled by this love to act according to the Christian way of life? If there is an earnest desire to grow closer to God, to clean out our hearts, and to have God dwell within us; then come to the Sacrament of Confession. Build up a relationship with God through the guidance of a Spiritual Father who will show you the path that the Saints have walked upon. In this life, there are two ways, one of life and one of death. If you wish to be like the Pharisees, then you have your reward. But if you wish to be an earnest son or daughter of God, then be good children and learn to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind; and then let that love move you towards the good works that you are called to do.