Follow the Good Shepherd (Matthew 16: 5-12)


Is it just me, or does Jesus seem to not like the Pharisees and Sadducees? I would say that He is at odds with the majority of them. But why is this the case? The Pharisees and Sadducees were some of the most influential people in that time; they were both the leaders of their communities as well as the teachers. But they did not lead the people, whom they were entrusted to lead, to God but rather they led those people to honor the commandments of men; the laws that they taught did not help bring people closer to God in their hearts, but rather they built up the reputation of themselves. This is why Christ is always at odds with them, and this is also why Christ warns His followers to beware of them as well. 

This is all well and good, but we do not have those sects anymore; therefore, I must ask, who has replaced those people in our time? Who or what influences us daily? To whom do we look towards to lead us? To whom do we go to when we require guidance? I don’t wish to put words in your mouths, but I came up with a small list of groups that I thought have taken the place of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The media, friends or coworkers, teachers, and popular spiritual leaders who are not Orthodox; each group has the potential to lead us astray in some way, shape, or form, therefore, we must have a guide who will help us learn discernment if we are to interact with them.

Looking at this list, it almost becomes apparent as to why there is a need for discernment. Firstly, let us look at the media, specifically Hollywood, and what they are producing. I do not wish to spend too much time on this because I have a feeling that we have heard about this topic on many occasions; regardless, in short, the media typically teaches us to live a pleasure-seeking life. Secondly, there are our friends and coworkers, specifically those who live lives that are not according to the Gospel. Our peers are one of our greatest influences, and they can cause us to abandon reason and do things that we would never even consider if we were sober-minded. Finally, there are those secular and “spiritual” teachers who truly act and teach in the way that the Pharisees and Sadducees acted and taught. I am not telling you all to ignore your teachers, but as Christ says, you must beware of anything that they teach you regarding your spiritual life. Now, children, if a teacher tries to teach you something that you think goes against your faith, do not ignore your teacher or make a scene, but you must let your parents know about it and have a conversation with them regarding that topic. 

Now, to be cautious of certain people and teachings is all well and good, but we must find someone who will be able to help us learn how to properly grow in our spiritual journey and to navigate through all these interactions that we go through daily. We need a Good Shepherd; so, who you gonna call? That answer is our Lord Jesus Christ, but it is not merely Christ, but those that He has sent into this world. If you listen to the prayer of absolution, you will hear the priest say that he has been given the authority that was handed down from Christ to His Apostles, the Apostles to the Bishops and the Bishops unto himself. This is why the Orthodox priest should, in most cases, be considered that good shepherd which you should seek for guidance.

I have to preference that an Orthodox priest, in most cases, is a good shepherd because there is a need for discernment to know for certain. For a good shepherd is one who leads the people according to the Gospels. When there is a need for healing, he brings them to God so that they may be healed. One important quality of a good shepherd is that he is not the focus but rather God is. If you are reading something or listening to someone who does not bring you closer to Christ and the Cross, then that person is most likely someone who Christ would refer to as Pharisee or Sadducee. 

Remember, my brothers and sisters, the message of the Gospel is for us to journey towards Golgotha together with Christ and to be raised together with Christ. Therefore, seek wisdom and learn from those who have attained this wisdom through their spiritual life. This knowledge/wisdom does not come from the head but rather from the heart, therefore, find a spiritual guide who can take you on that journey from the mind into the heart.