Qudosh `Idto


What is sanctification? It is in part, preparation and in part a cleansing. In an earthly sense, we sanctify ourselves daily. When we clean ourselves and get dressed for the day, this is a type of sanctification. Before coming here to Church, I hope everyone brushed their teeth, took a shower, and put on clean clothing. Why do I hope that this is done? Because we do this for school and work, therefore we should also try to do this, if not more, when we are in the presence of the Holy Mysteries. Who among us will go to work with such little preparation? Which parent will allow their child to go to school without that child's schoolbag? For those who do not work at home, are you able to go to work in your pajamas or even in casual clothing? We prepare ourselves so that we can participate in an activity which will give us either good grades or our salary. But I wish to know how much more valuable is the Eucharist which we are about to receive? We are able to evaluate what we deserve at school and at work through the grades and salaries which we receive. What is the value which we place in the Body and Blood of our Lord and our Savior? If our preparation to receive the Holy Eucharist is like our daily routine for work, then you have your price for this Mystery. At the very least it is $7.25 per hour. A bucket of chicken from KFC is more valuable. If you value the Holy Eucharist more than your occupation, then prove it. Do not merely prepare yourselves as if you are going to work or school. Prepare yourselves through prayer and fasting, through reading Holy Scripture and meditating on it. Do not begin your preparation Sunday morning but rather Saturday. Because if you wait till Sunday, it would be as if you are still putting your clothing on as you enter your school or work place. And finally, when you feel the urge to do so, come to Holy Confession. 

What is the purpose of this need for preparation? Is God not a merciful and loving God? I should be able to come as I am. While that statement is true, it does not entail, as certain Protestant groups see it, as we can do whatever we want and suffer no consequences. If we approach Holy Eucharist in this manner and think we'll be fine, then St. Paul will have something to say to us. He will say, “Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.” For those who casually come and show little care for the Holy Mysteries which we are about to receive, then it will truly be judgment and condemnation. Therefore, I urge each and every single one of us, if we have come to the Holy Eucharist unprepared, then come and ask for forgiveness, and for next time, prepare diligently.