Showing True Appreciation (Matthew 24: 42-51)


In today’s Gospel portion, Christ calls us all to be ready and tells us two qualities of what it means to be ready. He says that we are to be faithful and wise in order to do the good that he asks us to do. But how do we learn to be faithful and wise? Are these innate qualities or characteristics that we all have? The answer is no, these are all things we learn. But the next question is from whom do we learn this? Is it possible to merely read the Bible and expect to know everything that is needed from us? If reading and understanding Scripture were that simple then there would be one Orthodox Church instead of many reform churches. In other words, the interpretation of Sacred Scriptures would be uniform if it were that easy.

It is not as simple as reading the Scriptures for edification. It has always been the case that someone opened up Scriptures for us and taught us its meaning. As it should always be, it is typically the parents who do this for us first while we are still young. Later we get to listen and take to heart the messages that our priest gives. But those who taught us through Holy Scriptures are not the only contributors to this growth in knowledge. There are also those role models we followed who inspired us to grow in wisdom and stature. I am referring to our teachers and mentors that have gotten us to where we are today.

This Sunday we are honoring this fact. Today, we remember and pray for our departed Clergy. But let us not leave it at that. Don’t let this day be the only day that we remember those who fed us the Lord’s Body and Blood. Let us always keep the memory of those who fed us that good spiritual food, and by that I mean the Orthodox interpretation of Scripture. We should not merely leave it at honoring the departed; let us also keep those who are still with us in our thoughts and prayers. This is not limited to only the Clergy but to all who have helped us in any aspect of our lives. In other words, let us continuously honor those who have taught us good life lessons through either their words or actions.

Therefore, today let us remember not only the departed Clergy who have helped shape our spiritual life but everyone who has been an influence in our lives. Today, let us specifically pray for those who have inspired us but have fallen asleep in the Lord. From now on, let us show our appreciation to those who are with us and have helped shape us to be good Christians. No longer make it a habit to show appreciation idly but instead show your appreciation to those who have helped in your growth. This means specifically, children, be sure to always show your love and appreciation to your parents for this is a Commandment from the Lord. Make sure to not stop there. If there is a teacher who works harder than their peers in order to teach you, be sure to say to them “thank you for your hard work.” For those who are working, be sure to show your appreciation to your managers and peers who have influenced you in some way. This is not to flatter these people, but rather to show genuine appreciation for the work they do, for all of this is why we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. By learning to appreciate those who helped shape us in our lives, we will learn to be thankful in all aspects. This thankfulness is what the Holy Eucharist is all about. It is not for God’s benefit that we celebrate This Holy Qurbana, it is based upon our love and appreciation for all that He has done for us. May all Glory and Honor be to Him who gave us this Blessed Sacrament.