The Long Fought Struggle (Luke 9: 51-62)


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One thing in this life that will be constant is being treated contemptuously for doing the Will of God. In whatever way it shows itself, it is relatively hard to find a supportive group, outside of the Church, that wishes to live according to the Gospels. Often, those who influence our lives push us towards a life that is in direct contrast to a life according to the Scriptures. We may have friends or even family members who either question, mock or even ostracize us when we wish to live a good Christ life. We may not be physically attacked, but very often, our resolve to do the good which is asked of us shatters because of the influence of friends and family. The number one way this happens is when we are left out of certain circles because of our religious affiliation. This can show itself through fewer phone calls or text messages or people outright avoiding us. When we go through this, two things may pop up in our minds. We either build up resentment for those who ignore us, or we put the fault on God, though never directly.

For example, we begin to question those who have mistreated us by asking, “what did I do wrong?” or “who are they to do this to me?” More often than not, this line of questioning will cause our resentment to grow within us against those who are belittling us. Instead of following the Commandments and accepting the harsh treatment of others, we forsake the Gospel and act as James and John had. We begin to ask God to rain down fire on those. Maybe we don’t get as Scriptural as James and John, but we typically seek justice or judgment. However, God is the ultimate Judge, and He is Justice. We cannot and must not ever try to act as if those titles belonged to us.

Instead, we must learn to love and pray for those who may have abandoned us. They may be trying to tear apart a well-established relationship, but we must be the agent that tries to heal that brokenness. For God does not desire us to live apart from one another, but rather, as another translation of the Greek word for “to save” (sosai), God wishes to heal and preserve us and our relationships. For our Salvation comes by and through the Salvation of those around us. Only when my brother or sister is saved does the path towards Salvation become available for me.

This saying is a hard pill to swallow, but it is the truth about our Salvation. We are all broken people seeking other broken people to find comfort with. This is why it hurts all the more when we are mistreated for doing what is good. So the simple answer to this is never to add more fire to the problem but rather to pray and seek after God. It may be a simple solution, but prayer is always helpful. It may not feel as though it is helping you immediately, but God will always answer sincere prayer in His way. Therefore, when life knocks you down to your knees, remain there and pray to God for His aid.